The Why

What has modern life done to us? Back >>

Our cities have become extremely crowded.Green zones have given way to grey concrete, lakes are catching fire. Contaminated food and water are slowly poisoning us. Air pollution is rising and water scarcity is now at our door.

A journey of rediscovery: Rurban was born out of a yearning a few of us had. Career technocrats at the peak of our professional journey - questioning what life really meant for us. Should we go with the flow, embrace the status quo, celebrate our success and continue to live the way we did.

Or could we be change makers?
We spent four years searching for answers. Travelled countless miles. And discovered what would become Rurban.

Acres of fallow countryside. Untouched by commercial agriculture or polluted by factory farming techniques. With high water tables, conducive for agriculture and a working step-well that was dug over 100 years ago.

We gently worked the land, experimented with Panchagavya, the ancient Indian farming technique. In over 2 years the arid brown land has transformed itself into a sea of green. We have now decided to share our experience with a few like minded people who want to rediscover their senses. Rediscover themselves..