Rurban is located ~ 90 kilometers from the Kempegowda International Airport on the Bangalore Hyderabad Expressway. 35 acres of prime countryside with direct access to the state highway close to the world-renowned Lepakshi Temple in Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh.
We tested the soil and water and found them to be free of toxins and chemical contaminants. We laid drip irrigation lines, built kutcha roads, dug 6 shallow borewells, enabled rain water harvesting, created 100 lac litre capacity open tanks to harvest and store water and prepared the land to bear fruit.
Within months birds and wildlife returned. We saw hare, mongoose and others return to the oasis rediscovered.
Nature began to reward us, and our vision began to take shape.
We now have pomegranate, custard apple guava, chiku and mango trees ready to yield the fruits of our labour. We bring home farm fresh vegetables every time we
visit the farm.
The time has come now for us to share the Rurban experience with a few like minded people in the form of quarter acre plots . Come rediscover your senses!
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