
The fruits of our labour - June 2020

October 2019 - The dream that's now a reality

October 2019-Teak

October 2019-Pomegranate

July 2019 Mango trees in full bloom

Enjoying the fruits of our labour

July 2019- Farm Produce for our consumption

May 2019- Our dreams taking shape

Growth phase Pomegranate

Skilled labour pruning of Pomegranate plants.
Custard Apple in growth phase

October 2018 - Compost Application -

Composted Farm Yard Manure 40 day process

Compost application for Custard Apple and Pomegranate

September 2018 - Central Irrigation Water Pond ready

September 2018 - Central Irrigation Water Pond ready

Drip Irrigation Head Unit

Levelleling the land and clearing it off shrubs and smaller plants
Central Water Tank
Water from the Borewell

July 2017- Rurban Farms - an idea taking wings

June 2018 - Getting the land ready to store water